Clubs & Organizations

Clubs and Organizations

Join a Club or Organization!

Our purpose is to provide co-curricular organizations and activities to permit all interested students an opportunity to participate. Every effort is made to avoid membership requirements that would prevent this participation

Student Membership Requirements

Students are encouraged to join and participate in teams, clubs and organizations. Membership requirements are contained in each club's constitutions and by-laws; there are general requirements regarding eligibility for membership in any sport, club or organization.

In accordance with Marion County School Board and established school policies, certain requirements must be met by the inpiduals involved in activity programs.

These are as follows:

  1. 1. All students involved in activities must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and meet the club's requirements. Freshmen must have been "promoted" from 8th grade. Students may not have a fine on the "debt list".
  2. Students involved in any activities, whether on or off campus, are governed by the Marion County Code of Student Conduct.
  3. Students must complete a student participation and Parental Approval Form prior to joining any club.

Student Participation Guidelines

A student may hold the office of president for one(1) club/organization only per school year. However, a student is not limited to the number of other offices he/she may hold in other clubs; i.e. treasurer, secretary, etc. In addition to the grade point average requirement, a good discipline and attendance record are important. A student is not to attend a club or school-sponsored function on days when he/she has not attended school. It is the sponsor's responsibility to enforce this policy.




Grade Levels 9th - 12th
Major Activities


Sponsor Mr. Anthony Maffei
Purpose To support classroom activities and further the students education in automotive areas. Students can register to compete in Regional, State and National competitions that showcase the skills learned in the program. Also students gain networking experience through attending the events and meeting with the sponsors of the events who are generally industry representatives.
Requirements Automotive program student with 2.0 GPA, no student debts, no discipline referrals, willingness to help the program succeed through hard work and perseverance.
Grade Levels 9th - 12th
Dues Dues are based on how many competitions the inpidual student may want to attend or by working the automotive dept. events throughout the year instead of paying dues.
Major Activities Regional, State, and National SkillsUSA competitions, Car shows. Homecoming events, 2 car shows per year.


Sponsor Mrs. Thomas
Purpose The Criminal Justice Club is composed of students with the collective interest in various criminal justice agencies. The Club exists to try to give these students better insight into these career paths and give students the ability to make connections with each other and outside agencies to commence with upon graduation.
Requirements 2.0 GPA
Grade Levels All
Dues $25 Dues $30 Club shirt
Major Activities Field trips, various community service and charitable activities.
Fundraisers Varied opportunities throughout the year.


Club Dance Team (Northside Dancers)
Sponsor Laura Strickland
Purpose A sponsored dance team that will attend school events & athletic events.
Requirements Students must have a 2.0 to participate as well as a signed contract from parent/guardian(s) to try-out & to be a member.
Grade Levels 9-12th Grade
Dues $50 Participation Fee
Major Activities The team will support the athletic teams at games as a spirit group as well perform at basketball (boys & girls) games & pep rallies.


Sponsor Ms. Tank
Purpose To produce high quality theatre for the community
Requirements A minimum of a C average per grading period and a uniform (Club shirt). Meeting days will be held Wednesday mornings from 8:30 to 9:00.
Grade Levels 9 to 12
Dues $10 dues
Major Activities On campus performances and select field trips to area schools.


Sponsor Mr. Moser
Purpose Mission statement- to educate people to leave this world a better place to live for future generations.
Grade Levels 9 to 12
Major Activities


Club FFA
Sponsor Ms. Lori Albritton and Mrs. Haley McGinnes
Purpose To make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Requirements You must be enrolled in an agriculture course and have a 2.0 GPA.
Grade Levels All Grades (9-12)
Dues Dues: $20.00
Major Activities FFA members at NMH participate in a variety of activities throughout the year. Not only do many of our members showcase their hard work at the Southeastern Youth Fair and excel in a number of Career Development Events such as Horse, Livestock, Poultry, and Vegetable Judging; they are also heavily involved in serving the Marion County community.
Fundraisers Country Meat Sticks, SEYF Ad Sales


Purpose Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education association with a quarter million students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields.
The purpose of FBLA is to provide opportunities for students to develop vocational and career competencies and to promote civic and personal responsibilities.
Requirements 2.0 GPA and has taken at least one business class in highschool career
Grade Levels All grade levels (9th to 12th)
Dues $20.00
Major Activities District 7 FBLA hosts a Competition every year and rewards excellence to students in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Those students placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and scoring a 70% or higher move on to the state-based competition at the spring State Leadership Conferences. Students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills. Top state winners then are eligible to compete for honors at the National Leadership Conference each summer.
Fundraisers ~Fundraising for the March of Dimes/Ronald McDonald House ~Christmas Candy Gram sales, March of Dimes Bear sale, and Bake Sales for fundraising


Sponsor Mrs. Sonja Christmas
Purpose Health Occupation Students of America, Inc. ( is the appropriate Career/Technical Student Organization for providing leadership training experiences and reinforcing specific career/technical skills taught in the Health Science classroom.
Requirements HOSA is an integral part of the curriculum and highly recommended for all levels but mandatory for Allied Health Assisting and Directed Studies
Grade Levels 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Major Activities
Fundraisers To be announced


Sponsor Ms. Miranda Brogan
Purpose To promote the ideals of scholarship, character, leadership and service
Requirements sophomores or juniors with an unweighted GPA of 3.25 of higher will be invited to join NHS. Students must earn 15 community service hours a semester.
Grade Levels 11th and 12th grades
Dues $25
Major Activities After school tutoring and other school and community service
Fundraisers Coupons for Education and Car Wash


Club Performing Arts (Band & Chorus)
Sponsor Mr. Janosa, Director of Performing Arts
Purpose It shall be the mission of the North Marion High School Music Department to facilitate musical growth to the highest level in each member, to ensure personal development through responsibility and work ethic, and to teach the value of working together with others to reach a common goal. No student will be turned away from the music-making experience at this school if they are willing to work – music is not an inpidual activity, and every member is of equal value and importance.
Requirements Enrollment in appropriate ensemble course and/or permission from the Director of Music. For more information about NMHS Music Ensembles, please visit
Grade Levels All Grades (9 to 12)
Dues Fees and fundraising expectations vary based upon ensemble enrollment. Please refer to the Handbook Financial Agreement for details.
Major Activities Football Performances, Marching Competitions, Concert & Jazz Band Festivals, Indoor Percussion & Color Guard Competitions, Chorus Festivals
Fundraisers Various


Sponsor Mrs. Sonja Christmas
Purpose SGA students are focused on giving the students of NMH a voice in their school government and cultivating ideas of service and proper leadership in our future citizens. Students also become a part of the appropriate grade level organization - Freshman Class, Sophomore Class, Junior Class, Senior Class.
Requirements 2.0 GPA
Grade Levels All Grades (9-12)
Major Activities Homecoming, Prom, Grad Bash, Teacher Appreciation Week, Graduation, Community Service, Banquet, attend State Leadership Conference
Fundraisers Spirit items, activities, sponsorships


Sponsor Mr. Snyder
Purpose Enhances video editing, software technique, and computer capibilities.
Requirements 2.0 GPA We meet every other Thursday 3:30 to 4:30.
Grade Levels All Grades (9-12)
Dues None
Major Activities Homecoming, Drive for Life, Media Festival, and Pep Rallies


Sponsor Ms. Stephanie Stover
Purpose To test students academic knowledge.
Requirements 2.0 GPA
Grade Levels 9 to 12
Dues Team shirt $35 (one time purchase) Dues $30
Major Activities This is a travelling team that competes with area high schools.
Fundraisers None.